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Part of the "Self and Sex Series" for men and women and includes detailed advertisements with tables of contents for the other books.

A very detailed book offering both practical and moral advice for young men to transition from boys to husbands…

Part of the "Self and Sex Series" for men and women and includes detailed advertisements with tables of contents for the other books.

"Dedicated to the thousands of girls whose honest inquiries concerning the origin of life and being deserve such…

"Central Europe in the 19th Century, a land where the wildest tales of vampires and demons coexist next to the newly discovered depths of the human psyche by Freud and Sacher Masoch. Five tales of the supernatural and the subconscious. In them,…

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Collection of the first eleven issues of Xxxenophile, "the critically acclaimed erotic comic book", which features a campy light-hearted style with a science fiction or fantasy plot.

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Humorous book of advice for brides and grooms on their wedding night with illustrations.

Memoir of woman discovering the pleasures of anal sex.

Discussion of physical and cultural sexual factors in humanity's pre-history with skeletal and artifactual evidence. Goes beyond evolutionary psychology in its examination of cultural factors and shifts, such as the change between mother and father…

Discusses origin of sexual issues as inherent due to human evolutionary strategies. Arguments typical of evolutionary psychology, such as men will lower their physical standards for short-term sex-based relationships whereas women will always keep…

Web comic featuring an older gay couple, an intermittent sex worker, a small-breasted liberal, a zany guinea pig, a crazy pastor, two converts from the True Church of Satan, and a perverted, hypocritical housemate who all converge to irritate the…

Third or fourth edition of this comprehensive book.

Don't let the cute Freak Brothers drawings and psychedelic art fool you, the Handbook is quite dense and substantive in its content. The first section is a series of historical accounts with…
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